Sunday, December 9, 2012

Verbal maths - Speed Test 8

Q.1.   Three fourth of a number is 36 more than 30 per cent of that number. What is the number ?
(1)90 (2)60 (3)120 (4)180 (5) None of these

Q.2.   The area of a rectangular plot is 6 times its perimeter. What is the length of the rectangle ?
(1) 30 meters (2) 60 meters (3) 90 meters (4) data inadequate (5) None of these

Q.3.   Two-third of one -fourth of a number is 30. What is the number ?
(1)240 (2)80 (3)180 (4)120 (5) None of these

Q.4.   The difference between the highest and the lowest of three consecutive numbers is one-eight of the the middle number, what is the highest of these three numbers?
(1)16   (2)18   (3)17   (4) data inadequate    (5) None of these

Q.5.   When 16 is subtracted from a number, it reduces to its two-third, what will be 150 per cent of that number?
(1)72 (2)56 (3)76 (4)48 (5) None of these

Q.6.   In a class, 30% of the boys play football, 40% of the remaining play cricKet and the  remaining 21 boys paly different other games. How many boys are there in the class ?
(1)50 (2)100 (3)48 (4)96 (5) None of these

Q.7.   Prabir gave one-fifth of his money to Saiil. Salil in turn gave one-third of what he received to Jayesh. If the total of the money of Salil and jayesh together is Rs. 4,400 less than that of Prabir, how much money did Prabir have?
(1)Rs. 4800         (2)Rs. 6400         (3)Rs. 7200       (4)Rs.6000 (5) None of these

Q.8.   Two-seventh of a number is 2 more than 25 percent of that number. What is the number ?
(1)28 (2)42 (3)49 (4)56 (5) None of these

Q.9.   Which of the following is in descending order?
(1)15/13,13/11,11/9 (2)11/9,13/11,15/13 (3)15/13,9/11,13/11 (4)11/9,15/13,13/11 (5) None of these

Q.10.   The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 26 more than the first number of these three numbers. What is the second number ?
(1)16 (2)12 (3)18 (4)20 (5) None of these

Q.11.   What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series ?
3       4.5       9        22.5        67.5        ?
(1)270 (2)236.25 (3)202.5 (4) 303.75 (5) None of these

Q.12.   A boat takes 9 hours to travel from Ato B upstream. If the river current is 3 km. per hour, how long will it take to travel downstream between B and A ?
(1)3 hours (2) 6 hours (3) 4.5 hours (4) data inadequate (5) None of these

Q.13.   In the following number series, a wrong number is given. Find out that wrong number?
2       6      16       38       84      180       368
(1)6 (2)16   , (3)38 (4)84 (5)180

Q.14.   The ratio between the income and expenditure of Gopal is 5:4. If the total income is Rs. 800/- more than his total expenditure, what is his total income ?
(1)Rs. 4,000        (2) Rs. 2,400        (3) Rs. 5,200      (4) Rs. 3,200 (5) None of these

Q.15.   What will be the simple interest earned on Rs. 8,000 at the rate of 8 p.c.p.a. at the end of 5 years?
(1)Rs. 2,400        (2) Rs. 3,200        (3) Rs. 3,600      (4) Rs. 4,800 (5) None of these

For more questions about verbal maths

Current Affairs 14

World's smallest 3D map of the globe created

Scientists have created a miniature world map which has now been accepted by the Guinness World Record as the world's smallest 3D map.

The perfectly formed 'nano-world' by IBM researchers in Zurich measures a miniscule 22 by 11 micrometres -- 1,000 maps of the size would fit on just one grain of salt.

The map was "written" on a polymer and is composed of 500,000 pixels, each measuring 20 by 2 anometres  and was created in just 2 minutes and 23 seconds.

A map that can only be seen through a microscope may seem as useful as a chocolate teapot, but the new technology behind it is set to open a whole new world in industry.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Current Affairs 13

Himachal voted Favourite Summer Destination

Himachal Pradesh has been voted as 'The Favourite Summer Destination' by a survey conducted by a magazine.

This survey was conducted throughout the country and was an authoritative benchmark of the consumers' preferences in travel 1 and tourism across 18 categories including hotels, airlines and I hotel, holiday destinations.

The contribution of tourism sector towards GDP had increased from around 7 percent in 2011 to the present level of 10 percent. Himachal has become the first state to link the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme with the development of tourism infrastructure in the rural areas. The state developed 12 rural circuits last year and rural tourism activities had been undertaken in 64 villages.

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Current Affairs 12

Gold Import bill may touch $100 billion By 2015-16

Gold Import bill

Gold import bill is expected to touch $100 billion by 2015-16 against $33.8 billion in 2010-11, according to the industry body ASSOCHAM report.

Calculated on the basis of CAGR of 2010-11 over 1999-2000, the gold import bill could total $100 billion by 2015-16, according to the report released.

According to the report, "gold imports are a huge burden on the balance of payments and accentuates the current account deficit. It represents a massive strain on investable resources and weaning away domestic
savings from gold assumes importance.

For more Informations about Current affairs

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

English Grammer 6


A Preposition denotes the position that a person or thing occupies in relation to the other. It is' pre' (before) because it is put before the noun or which is its object or equivalent to its object.

The book is on the table.
On in the above sentence is a preposition. It shows the relation of the book to the table.
Note : Generally, the use of preposition is made before the noun or the pronoun but sometimes it is used after the noun or the pronoun.

What are you looking for ?
Preposition in Common Use: After, about, above, across, against, around, before, behind,below, beneath, between, beyond, by, for, from, in into, of, off, on, over, since, through, till, towards, under, underneath, up upon, with, within, with out, out beside, down, besides.


(1) Simple Prepositions: At, in on, by, with, of. off, from, to, out, over, under, since, through, up,
down, above, after, about, round, across, till against.

(2) Compound Prepositions: Into, upon, within, without, beneath, beside, before, below, among, against, underneath, between, behind, outside, besides.

Use of Some Important Prepositions
Among, Between
Among is used for more than two persons or things, Between is used only for two.
(i) Distribute these sweets among the poor students of the class.
(ii) Distribute these books between Ram and Shyam.

Among, In
Among is used before collective plural nouns; In is used before collective singular nouns.
(i) I found him standing among the crowd.
(ii) I saw him in the crowd.

Beside, Besides
Beside means by the side of, Besides means in addition to;
(i) The daughter was sitting beside her mother,
(ii) Besides his relatives, he invites, his friends also,

In, Within
"In1 means at the expiry of a period of time in future, within means before the expiry of a
period of
time in any tense.
(i) She will return in a week, (at the end of the week)
(ii) I shall finish my work within a week, (before the end of the week)

On, Upon
On is used for things at rest; Upon is used for things, in motion.
(i) He is sitting on the floor
(ii) The dog sprang upon the table.

By, With
By denotes that agent or doer; With denotes the instrument with which anything is done.
(i) Ravana was killed by Rama with an arrow.
(ii) The bird was killed by the hunter with an arrow.
(iii) He beat the dog with a stick
(iv) I shall reach here by five O'clock, (here by means till)
By, is used in future tense to express the time upto the last stage.

After, in
'After1 means at the end of a period of time in the past; 'In' means at the end of a period of time in future.
(i) I shall return your book in a week.
(ii) He returned the book after a week. For,

From, Since
'For' is used before a noun denoting a period of time with all the tenses.
From is used before a noun or phrase denoting the starting point of a duration, it is used in all the tenses.
Since is used before a noun or phrase denoting some point of time and is always preceded by a progressive verb in the perfect tense orthird form of a verb. i.e. past perfect, present perfect From is generally followed by 'to' or 'till'.
Examples : Use of 'For'
(i) We have been playing cards for two hours
(ii) My elder brother has been ill for four days.
(iii) She has lived1 in Bombay for four years.
Use of ‘From’
(i) We play from 5 p.m. to 6 pm.
(ii) Will your school remain closed from tomorrow till the 15th of March of the
next month ?
(iii) She stayed with her uncle from the 15th of March to the 15th of May.
Use of'Since'
(i) I have been reading this book since morning
(ii) My father has been teaching in this school since 1972.
(iii) He has not heard from his uncle since Monday last.

Above, Over
'Above' means' higher from' Over is used in the following four senses.
(i) In the sense of 'above': At noon, the sun is over our heads.
(ii) In the sense of beyond': I cannot get over my disappointment.
(iii) In the sense of superiority : God over all blesses for ever more.
Use of 'Above
(i) We flew above the clouds,
(ii) What he did is above stealing.
(iii) For explanation, see the sentence above.
At, Towards
At denotes the idea of aim; towards denotes the idea of destination (movement in a
(i) He threw the stone at the cat.
(ii) He went towards the house.

At, in, On
'At' is used as follows,
(i) At is used with small towns and villages
He was born at Sonepat. (Sonepat is a small town).
He lives at village Babul, (Babul is a village).
(ii) 'At' is used before a noun denoting a definite point of time.
He called on me at 9 p.m. yesterday
'In'is used as follows:
(A) 'In' is used with the names of big cities, provinces and countries.
(i) His father lives in England .
(ii) I live at Parfipat in Haryana.
(iii) His younger brother lives in Calcutta.
(B) 'In'is used before the names of months and years.
His elder sister was born in 1972 in the months of May.
'On' is used with dates and names of days.
(i) I joined college on the 26th of April.
(ii) He will leave for Calcutta on Wednesday next.
Note : (i) At can be used before a big city when one stays there for a short time en route to some
other place. While going to Bombay he will stay at Poona for three days.
(ii) In is also used in the following phrases: In the morning ; In the evening; In the afternoon; In
winter; In summer
(iii) 'In' also denotes a place inside anything.
He travelled in a crowded bus.
(iv) 'At' is used in the following phrases:
At night, At midnight, At noon, At day- break, At sun-set, At sunrise.
At home, At the station, At work, At play.

Below, Beneath
Below means of lower level in positions, dignity and expectation, ect; beneath means
under some surface. Consider the following examples:
(i) It is below my dignity to talk to her
(ii) They rested beneath the shade of a tree.
In, Into , To
'In' expresses Rest or Motion inside anything.
'Into' expresses Motion towards the inside of anything or change from one medium to
‘To’ denotes motion from one place to another, (in direction of)
(i) The boys are in the room.
(ii) Translate this passage from English into
Hindi. (iii) He goes to the temple every morning.

Till, By, Of, Off
Till means up to or not earlier than a particular time or place .
By means not after that.
Of shows cause, source, separation, quality, contents, possesssion, apposition, point of
reference,space in time etc.
Off shows at a near distance, and detached condition (removal of something from the other)
Consider the following examples :
I shall work till 5 a.m.
By this time tomorrow, I' II have finished my job.
Madhu died of cancer, (cause)
The nib of the pen is of gold (made of)
He presented me a bottle of whisky, (contents)
He was deprived of his purse, (separation)
Our principal is a man of principles (quality),
He lived in the house of principal, (possession)
Mohan, the son of Mr. Ramlal, got married, (apposition)
Hewasblind of one eye. (point of reference)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Current Affairs 11

Indian teacher chosen for US space programme

A teacher from India's Maharashtra state has become the first foreigner to be chosen for the US Space Foundation's elite 2012 Flight of Teacher Liaisons programme in its 10-year history. Vandana Suryawanshi of Vidya Valley School in Maharashtra is a middle school educator who has been teaching biology, earth
science and general science for 20 years. She joins 19 other outstanding educators selected for their active promotion of space and science education.

The new flight of Teacher Liaisons will serve as advocates for space- themed education across the curriculum and will use Space Foundation-provided training and resources to further integrate space principles into the classroom, the Colorado Springs based non- profit leader in space awareness activities, educational programmes announced.

The highly regarded Space Foundation Teacher Liaison programme has more than 270 active participants. The teachers are selected by a panel comprising experienced Teacher Liaisons and representatives from the space industry and the military. The 2012 Teacher Liaisons will be publicly recognized at the Space Foundation's 28th National  Symposium, which is being held April 16-19 at The Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Teacher Liaisons will participate in workshops and education  programmes. Following the symposium,  teacher Liaisons can take advantage of specialised training and instruction at Space Foundation and NASA  workshops.

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Verbal maths - Speed Test 7

Q.1.   What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series?
2     3    6    15    45    ?

(1)112.5 (2)135 (3)157.5 (4)180 (5) None of these

Q.2.   Avinash started business investing Rs. 12000. Ashok joined him after 4 months by investing Rs.    
            18000. What would be Ashok's share in the profit of Rs. 9500 at the end of the year?
(1) Rs. 4000 (2) Rs. 5000 (3) Rs. 3000   (4) Rs. 5500 (5) None of these

Q.3.   A diagonal of a rectangle is 10 cm. long. What is its perimeter?
(1)30 cm (2) 14 cm (3) 56 cm (4) 42 cm (5) None of these

Q.4.   Kailash gave one-third of his money to Keshav. Keshav gave three-fourth of the money he received 
            from Kailash to Sanket. If Sanket got Rs. 900 less than the money Kailash had, how much money did      
            Keshav get from Kailash?
(1)Rs. 600 (2) Rs. 300 (3) Rs. 400      (4) Data inadequate       (5) None of these

Q.5.    10 girls have their average age 14 years and 12 boys have their average age as 16 years. When 6    
              boys from these 12 join the 10 girls, they all together have average age as 14.5 years. What is the   
             average age of the remaining 6 boys?
(1) 16— years   (2)16.5years   (3)15 —years   (4) 16— years    (5) None of these

Q.6.   A train crosses a man standing on the platform in 10 seconds. How much time will it take to cross 
            the platform of length 150 metres?
(1)150 Seconds   (2) 300 Seconds   (3) 30 Seconds    (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these

Q.7.   The price of 4.5 dozen pens is Rs. 1170. What is the price of 18 such pens?
(1)Rs. 369    (2)Rs. 269     (3) Rs. 359      (4)Rs.379 (5) None of these

Q.8.   What should come in place of the question mark(?) in the following number series?
50   55 64 77 94 ?

(1)119 (2)115 (3)114 (4)116 (5) None of these

Q.9.   The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 12 and their product is 27. What is one-third of that
(1)31/-    (2)13     (3)117     (4) Data inadequate     (5) None of these

Q.10.    In the following number series a wrong number is given. Find out the wrong number?
2 4 8 30 105 420 1890

(1)4      (2)8     (3)30     (4)105     (5)420

Q.11.   Sixty-four men can complete a work in 15 days. In how many days will eighty men complete the
same work?
(1)80     (2)150      (3)180      (4)120     (5) None of these

Q.12.   An article was sold with 30% discount on the labelled price. To make 12% profit on the labelled
price, at what profit percentage should the article be sold ?
(1)160    (2)150    (3)180     (4) data inadequate      (5) None of these

Q.13.   The average age of P ,Q and R is 26 years. If the average age of P and R is 30 years. What is Q's age?
(1)24 years         (2) 48 years         (3) 36 years       (4) data inadequate       (5) None of these

Q.14.   The ratio between the ages of father and son is 5:2. If the difference between their ages is 27 years, what will be the father's age after 6 years?
(1) 50 years        (2) 49 years        (3) 51 years      (4) 52 years     (5) None of these

Q.15.   In the following number series, a wrong number is given. Find out that wrong number?
4       5      13       44       183       925       5555

(1)5     (2)13     (3)44     (4)183     (5)925

For more questions about verbal maths

Sunday, October 7, 2012

English Grammer 5


An adjective is a word that qualifies or adds something to the meaning of a noun.

Some Facts About Adjectives and Their uses :
(A) Adjective can be used in two ways-Attributively and Predicatively When an adjective is placed just before the Noun, its use is attributive, but when it is used after the noun or pronoun, the use is called predicative.

Example :
(i) This is a sweet mango
(ii) This mango is sweet
(iii) Fame is the perfume of heroic deeds
(iv) The judge declared him guilty


For avoiding errors in the use of adjectives it is necessary to study the use of some
important adjectives. It is so because.
(A) These adjectives are frequently used during conversation.
(A) They are of a very confusing nature. A wrong use or misplacement of these adjectives
can Change the sense of a sentence altogether.

List of these Adjectives
1.Some, Any,                2.0lder,Elder,      3.Few, a few, the few,
4.Farther, further           5.Less, Lesser,    6. Mutual, Common
7. Little a little, the little, 8. First, Former,  9. First, Foremost,
10. Much, Many,          11. All, Whole,    12. Less, Fewer,
13. Each Every.            14. Oral, Verbal,  15 Either, Neither,
16. Many, a many great many, 17.Whole, the whole the Whole of, a Whole
18. Sick                        19. Enough.         20. Only, Nearest, next,
21.Later, Latter.Latest, Last,  22. Each other, one another.
Note: These adjectives are generally studied in 'groups'. So instead of mentioning them
they are written here according to the groups in which they exist.

Use of these Adjectives
1. 'Some is used in the affirmative sentences. 'Any' is used in the negative sentences.
(A) 'Some' is used as follows
(i) With uncountable nouns where it means- a little, a small quantity also with countable nouns where it means less in number.
 (ii) In a question which shows some request.

(i) There is some water in the bottle.
(ii) Some of the students were absent yesterday.
(iii) Will you have some milk ?
(iv) Will you buy some fruit for me ?
Note :'Sorne' is not used in negative sentences, but it can be used in questions of negative nature.

(i) Can't you spare some time for social work ? .
(ii) Didn't I give you some money yesterday?
(B) 'Any' is used as follows
(i) In negative sentences
(ii) In interrogative sentences
(iii) After 'Hardly' 'Scarcely' and 'Barely'
(IV) After if

(i) There is not any sugar in the pot
(ii) We haven't any rice in the house
(iii) Are there any girls in your school?
(iv) I have hardly any money.
(v) There are scarcely any plants in this field
(vi) If there is any danger, blow the whistle
(A) Older:
Older (and oldest), are used for persons, animals and things.

(i) Radha is older than Shyama
(ii) This dog is older than that
(iii) This building is older than that
(iv) John is the oldest member of the staff
(v) This monument is oldest in the city
Note : 'Older' and 'Oldest' refer to the persons who do not belong to the same family.
(B) Elder (and eldest): are used in respect of the members of the same family like sons,
daughters, brothers, sisters etc.

(i) My elder sister is a lecturer.
(ii) Sachin is the elder of the two brothers
(iii) Meenakshi is the eldest of the three sisters.
Note: (i)'Elder'is not followed by'than'
(ii) 'Elder' and 'Eldest' cannot be used for things
(iii) In some cases, it may be followed by 'to' e.g. My brother Ram is elder to me.

(A) Few is negative and is the opposite of 'Many'. It means not many.
(B) A few is positive and means "some at least". It is the opposite of None.
(C) The few means 'minority' and suggests 'whether there is'.

(i) We have few holidays in school
(ii) Very few students have done well in the examination.
(iii) He is man of few words.
(iv) Happy is the man who has few cares.
(v) Few boys will fail in the examination.
(A) Further means something in addition (more) can also we use in place of farther.
(B) Farther means 'a greater distance'

(i) Further discussion will be held in the office of the principal.
(ii) Amritsar is farther from Delhi than Ambala.
(A) Less means in a small degree'. It can be used as a pronoun, an adjective, a determiner and an adverb.
(B) Lesser can be used only as an adjective. As an adjective it is a step further to less.

(i) The porter said that he would not charge less than ten rupees for his services.
(ii) My income is less than yours.
(iii) Chemistry is less difficult than Physics.
(iv) Choose the lesser evil of the two
(A) Mutual means reciprocal (two or more people doing or feeling same for each other).
(B) Common means 'belonging to two or more'.

(i) The mutual friendship between Sudhir and Ashok is growing day by day.
(ii) English and Sanskrit share some common features.
(A) Little is negative. It means, 'not much', or hardly any'.
(B) A little is positive. It means, some quantity.
(C) The little denotes quantity. It means,'not much but all that is, or whatever quantity there is'

(i) There is little hope of his success.
(ii) He has little affection for his cousin.
(iii) The teachers have little influence on him.
(iv) He knows a little of everything
(v) A little of money has been stolen.
(A) First shows 'order or position'
(B) Foremost means the most notable, best or leading.

(i) I am feeling sick
(ii) He has been ill for the past ten days.
Enough is used with both countable (both singular and plural) and uncountable nouns. It conveys
the sense of 'sufficient'.

(i) There is enough sugar in the pot.
(ii) There are enough eggs in the basket.
(A) Nearest expresses'at least distance'
(B) Next expresses 'position'.

(i) He lives nearest to the office
(ii) He is next to me in rank.
(A) 'Later'expresses'late in time'or'after some time'
(B) Latter means 'second in position or order
(C) Latest expresses newest or recent
(D) last means 'Final in position or order.


(i) My father reached later than I expected
(ii) The latter position was better than the former
(iii) What is the latest news?
(iv) He was the first to come and last to go.

For more grammer click on

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Current Affairs 10

Government approved 20 Proposals of Foreign Direct Investment amounting to Rs. 1034.371 crore


The government approved 20 foreign direct investment proposals, including that of Fluke South East Asia Pte, APF II India Investments Mauritius and Edict Pharmaceuticals, that envi sage a total investment of Rs 1034.371 crore.

The proposals were cleared following recommendations of the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB). The government cleared Singapore-based Fluke South East Asia Pte's Rs 400 crore proposal to incorporate an investing company to make downstream investments in other Indian firms engaged in wholesale trading  and related activities.

Besides, the Board also cleared a proposal of Mauritius- based APF II India Investments Pvt Ltd's involving investment of Rs 300 crore. Edict Pharmaceuticals' proposal to induct Rs 171.53 crore by way  apf transfer of 100 per cent equity to a foreign investor has also been cleared.

However, decision on 15 proposals including that of Ashok Leyland Defence Systems was deferred and two others were rejected. Meanwhile, one proposal relating to Ordain Health Care Global was withdrawn. The proposal of Mauritius-based Multiples Private Equity Fund I Ltd seeking induction of foreign equity worth
Rs 50.94 crore for acquisition of the equity shares of a company engaged in the operation of automated and online power exchange was also cleared.

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Current Affairs 9

Middle East's first Gurudwara opens in Dubai.

The UAE's first official Gurudwara, Guru Nanak Darbar, has opened in Jebel Ali area here, ending years of demand from the Sikh community for a place of worship. The Gurudwara is the first of its kind in the entire region. Spread over an area of 25,000 square feet near the Jebel Ali Hospital, the gurudwara has a dedicated floor for community feasts (langar) and a huge hall for devotional songs (kirtan). Arrangements can be made for langar for about 5,000 people at a time. There are an estimated 50,000 Sikhs in the UAE, hailing from both India and Pakistan.

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Friday, September 28, 2012

Current Affairs 8

600 million new jobs needed in next 10 years

The International Labour Organization released a pessimistic report for the global jobs market in 2012 saying urgent attention is needed to create 600 million newjobs in the next 10 years. Despite strenuous government efforts, the job crisis continues unabated, with one in three workers worldwide, or an estimated 1.1 billion people, either unemployed or living in poverty, said 1LO Director-General. Juan Somavia, in the Global Employment Trends 2012 report. Acording to Somavia, what is needed is that job creation in the real economy must become our number one priority. According to the report, governments must coordinate and act decisively to reduce the fear and uncertainty that is hindering private investment so that the private sector can restart the main engine of global job creation. According to the ILO, 74.8 million youths aged 15-24 were unemployed in 2011, an increase of more than 4 million since 2007 in the total global labour force of 3.3 billion.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Current Affairs 7

Important days and Dates which is helpful in all the competitive exams.



1 Jan- Army medical corps establishment day
8 Jan- African national congress foundation
11 Jan- Death anniversary of lal bahadur
12 Jan- National youth day(b'day of swami
15 Jan- Army day
23Jan- Neta ji subhash Chandra bose birth
25Jan- i)International custom day
ii)India tourism day
28Jan- Birth anniversary of iron man lala
Lala sardar valvav bhai patel


2 Feb- National day of sri lanka
24 Feb- Central excise duty
28 Feb- National science day


3 Mar- National defence day
4 Mar- National security day
8 Mar- International women day
15 Mar- Worlds consumers day
16 Mar- National vaccination day
19 Mar- World disable day
21 Mar- World forestry day
22 Mar- World day for water
24 Mar- World T.V. day


7 Apr- World health day
18 Apr- World heritage day
22 Apr- World health day
22 Apr- World earth day
23 April- World books day


1 May- International labour day
3 May- International energy day
8 May- International red cross day
11 May- International technology day
15 May- International family day
17 May- World telecom day
24 May- Common wealth day
31 May- World no tobacco day


5 Jun- World environment day
26 Jun- International drug abuse day


1 Jul- Doctors & CA day
4 Jul- American independence day
11 Jul- World population day
26 Jul- Kargil victory day


6 Aug- Hiroshima day
9 Aug- Nagasaki day
I2 Aug- International youth day
14 Aug- Pakistan independence day
15 Aug- India independence day
29 Aug- Sports day


5 Sep- Teachers day
8 Sep- International literacy day
14 Sep- Hindi divas
16 Sep- World ozone day
27 Sep- World tourism day


2 Oct- Gandhi jayanti
5 Oct- World teachers day
6 Oct- World wild life day
8 Oct- Indian airforce day
9 Oct- World hostel day
10 Oct- National poster day
17 Oct- International poverty irriduction day


7 Nov- World cancer awareness day
10 Nov- Transport day
14 Nov- Children day
17 Nov- Gurunanak jayanti
30 Nov- Flag day


3 Dec- World aids day
4 Dec- Navy day
7 Dec- Armforce flag day
10 Dec- Human rights day
11 Dec- UNICEF day
14 Dec- National energy day
21 Dec- Formers day

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Current Affairs 6

India and Israel sign a joint Declaration on Cooperation and Exchange between the Two Countries in the Field of Water Technology

India-Israel bilateral relationship has become increasingly extensive and broad-based in the last 20
years. Relations have deepened and progressed in all areas of activities including political, economic and cultural relations, cooperation in agriculture and water management. As India and Israel commemorate the 20th anniversary of establishment of full diplomatic relations, provided an excellent
opportunity for a survey of cooperation in Infrastructure development, water treatment and purification technologies.

During the visit, India and Israel signed a Joint Declaration aimed at bringing about long-lasting cooperation and exchange between the two countries in the field of water technology.Under the Joint Declaration, an India-Israel Working Group will be created with the objective of long-term planning, development, improvement and sharing of technology and other matters related to water, waste water and sewage management.

The Working Group will also discuss the possibility of demonstration project, pilot study and establishing commercial demonstration centre, which would serve as a platform for presenting innovative technologies to assist in addressing the challenges faced by India, as also matters relating to quality-standard for drinking water, treatment of waste water and re- use of treated waste water.

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Verbal maths - Speed Test 6

Q.1. In the following numbers series, a wrong number is given. Find out the wrong number.
       4 10 20 43 90 185 376
     (1)10   (2)20    (3)43    (4)90    (5)185

Q.2. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series?
       250 230 225 205 198 178 169?
       (1)164    (2)159     (3)144    (4)149     (5) None of these

Q.3. At What rate of annual simple interest will Rs. 6500 fetch an interest of Rs. 1787.5 at the end of 5 years?
       (1)4.5    (2)6.5    (3)7.5   (4)3.5    (5) None of these

Q.4. Total of Aniket's marks in Maths and Science together are 100 more than his marks in English. His average marks in the three subjects are 60. What are his marks in English?
       (1)60     (2)40      (3)80     (4) Data inadequate     (5) None of these

Q.5. One-fifth of three-fourth of one-third of a number is 24. What is 10% of that number?
        (1)24    (2)470    (3)48     (4)34   (5) None of these

Q.6. Suresh bought an article with 20% concession on the labelled price. He made 25% profit by selling it for Rs. 125. What was the labelled price of the article?
       (1)Rs. 112    (2)Rs. 130     (3)Rs. 110   (4) Data Inadequate    (5) None of these

Q.7. The breadth of a rectangular plot is 0.6 times its length. If twice the perimetre of the plot is 320 metres. What is the length of the plot in metres?
        (1)50   (2)60    (3)30    (4)40    (5) None of these

Q.8. An amount of money is to be divided amohg A,B and C in the ratio 7:6:12 respectively. If total share of A and B together is  Rs. 60 more than of C, What is the difference between the Shares of A&C?
       (1)Rs. 360    (2)Rs.24O    (3) Rs. 300    (4) Data inadequate    (5) None of these

Q.9. 36 men can complete a work in 10 days. How many men will complete it in eight days?
       (1)48    (2)32     (3)40   (4)44    (5) None of these

Q.10. What should come in place of both the question marks (?) in the following equation. 
       (1)25    (2)10    (3)15    (4)40     (5) None of these

Q.11. Srinivas sold the bag for Rs. 504. Which he had bought for Rs. 420. What was his percentage profit?
         (1)25    (2)10    (3)15    (4)40   (5) None of these

Q.12. The ratio between the present ages of Saket and Sameer is 4:3 respectively. If the difference between their ages is 10 years, What will be the total of their ages after 15 years?
         (1) 85 years   (2) 70 Years   (3) 100 Years     (4) 95 Years    (5) None of these

Q.13. In the following number series a wrong number is given. Find out the wrong number.
40 42 49 57 74 100 137
         (1)100    (2)74    (3)57    (4)49     (5)42

Q.14. When 64 is subtracted from a number it reduces to its 36 percent. What is five-fourth of that number?
        (1)100    (2)125    (3)75    (4)105    (5) None of these

Q.15. Srawan spends 20% of his monthly salary on food, 40% of the remaining on house rent and balance amount spends on other items of routine expenses. What is his yearly salary if he spends Rs. 5760 per month on other items of routine expenses?
        (1)Rs. 120000   (2)RS,244000    (3)RS.144000    (4) RS. 154000    (5) None of these

For more questions about verbal maths

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Current Affairs 5

Kerala gets Green Signal for High Speed Rail Corridor

In a boost to Kerala's efforts to fast-track infrastructure development, the Centre has given the green signal to its ambitious high speed rail corridor project, linking the entire stretch
from Kasargode in the North to the state capital in the South.

 At a high-level meeting convened at the Prime Minister's Office  in Delhi, the State was asked to draw up a Detailed Project Report (DPR) of the scheme. Pulok Chatterjee, Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, the Kerala Chief Secretary, P.Prabhakaran, and the Managing Director of Infrastructure Kerala Ltd, T. Balakrishnan, were  involved in the discussions. 

The meeting was convened in response to the Chief Minister, Oommen Chandy's, plea to the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, seeking the Centre's support forthe mega project. Though the finance pattern of the project is yet to be finalised, it is likely to be a private- public partnership venture with technical and financial collabo- ration of the Indian Railways. The green signal to the high speed rail project has come close on the heels of the Kochi Metro Rail, the basic works for which has already begun.

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Current Affairs 4

Flight Lt Shekhawat Creates History, First Woman to Lead IAF Contingent

Jan 27 History was made on 26 January, 2012 when Flight Lt, Sneha
Shekhawat, a woman Indian Air Force (IAF) officer, led a
contingent of 144 airmen at the 63rd I Republic Day parade
down the Rajpath.

A woman pilot who flies non-combat transport planes like
Avro, Shekhawat was joined by three other women officers
lead the marching contingent down the national capital's

This is the first time a woman officer led the IAF contingent
at the Republic Day parade.

The other women officers are Flying Officer A. Chaudhary, who flies helicopters such as Chetak and
Cheetah and Flying Officer Pooja Negi and Flying Officer Hena Pore, both from the accounts branch.

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